Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fish in a Bag

We have two dogs that have been with us for many, many years, Rusty and Ginger. We love spending time with them and they bring so much joy to our lives, but much like small children, they need a lot of tender loving care. One of the challenges we face as dog owners, is that when we want to go away for an extended period we have to arrange for a doggie sitter. I often wondered, what if there was a pet that doesn’t need much care, doesn’t need to be fed, and could stay in the house without having to be walked twice a day. Ta Da! Fish in a Bag. A charming little plastic goldfish swims in a pool of vegetable glycerin soap, fragranced with our favorite Facets of the Sea aroma. Our cute little fish soap is just like the carnival prize in a plastic bag tied with a pretty ribbon, but this fish doesn’t need to be fed. So don’t feel guilty if you leave home for a few hours, Fish in a Bag will be on your soap dish waiting for your next bath time experience. Of course they can’t replace Rusty and Ginger.

Have a Great Week!


Sunday, October 11, 2009


Our trade publications tell us that Halloween has passed Valentine’s Day as the holiday that people spend the most money on for home decorating. Ghosts, goblins, and witches are everywhere; but I see pumpkins around every corner of our factory. One of our most popular soaps is called Jack. We just can’t make this soap fast enough. Jack is a friendly jack-o-lantern in rich orange hues of fall with bright yellow eyes, nose, and mouth. The decadent aroma of pumpkin, spice, and creamy vanilla fill the air in the factory causing a pumpkin pie craving to kick in. Check out our Jack soap and share some Halloween fun with family and friends.

Have a spicy week,


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Stained Glass

I love going out to our candle department and looking at all the glistening pieces of gel cut and waiting to be placed in our Color Bowl Candles. The vibrant colors of the rainbow and the sparkling glittery pieces just beckon for you to come and play with them. Of course, the tactile fun of these jelly-like pieces serve a more important purpose. They create the brilliant stained glass effect that makes our patented Color Bowl Candles so unique. Each candle is handmade using the finest vegetable wax blend and sparkling gel pieces to provide hours of aromatic delight with an original glow. With the seasons beginning to change, the warm glow of candles enhances any environment so why not add a Primal Elements Color Bowl Candle to brighten your fall décor.

Have a good week,
